
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Glee Gives Something For Everyone

Some may have been skeptical when Glee presented itself as a "musical comedy" that it would be able to survive in network television. Even science fiction shows usually have higher hopes than the whimsical fare shows like Glee give viewers. I consider myself one of the many that are Gleeful over how well the show has done in the ratings so far though. Not only that but there have been some hits on iTunes as well. There is even talk of the first of hopefully many Glee soundtracks, which would give the public an opportunity to own all the snappy numbers that have been featured on the show so far (which range from country to hip hop and everything in between). With something to attract a whole host of people, Glee should have no trouble snagging enough viewers for a continuation of the show. Musicians everywhere, rejoice, for music has been brought amongst the masses... and it was good.

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