
Saturday, November 28, 2009

Party Crashers

Many of the posts on this blog are inspired by either a link or news story I find that intrigues me enough that I want to comment on it. Today's link is one of the many pieces in response to the party crashers at President Obama's State Dinner. It is a letter to the president from Tom Foreman, a correspondent with CNN who can be seen occasionally on Anderson Copper 360. In his letter he points out that we are lucky these people were only trying to climb the social ladder and weren't actually dangerous. While this is true I have to ask: Why are we giving them so much press time then? It seems to me that we could report how serious this is without giving them the recognition they were obviously looking for. This just gives them validation. Where's the punishment? If these people have gotten everything they wanted out of this experience, then what tells them it was wrong and they shouldn't do it again or else? Obviously this story is still ongoing so punishment of some kind could still be in the works. If not, I may have to put America on notice, Colbert style.

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