
Thursday, July 1, 2010

Dallas Alice Doesn't Live Here in Happy Town Anymore

*Yada, yada, yada, SPOILERS AHEAD*

This week's episode started with the aftermath of Big Dave's death and some dead birds in the forest. While at Dave's funeral, Tommy has a run-in with Mrs. Friddle that leaves questions as to whether his mother's death was a natural one like he thought or if maybe something else happened to her that no one told him about. He brings these concerns to his father who tells him that at one point he had thought it was murder but eventually chalked it up to just needing someone else to blame for his loss. He says he eventually accepted her death, and Tommy should too. It looks like they are going to drop this story right up until the end - when Henley walks into the police station and hands Tommy the mystery hammer, claiming it is the weapon Peggy Haplin used to kill his mother. #shockoftheday So what should we ask first, why Peggy killed Alice or how the hell Mrs. Friddle knew about it? Both very good questions to add to the heaping pile of them this show has buried us in.

Going back a little to how Henley got the hammer back in the first place - with the help of her new best friend Merritt Grieves, of course! Henley has asked Grieves to help her break into Peggy Haplin's home to retrieve the hammer. Since Grieves was invited to a party there, he says it shouldn't be a problem. I loved the comment about being the only Brit at a Daughters of the American Revolution event. Anyone else find the funny in that one? Henley goes poking around the house only to be caught by Peggy Haplin. Based on how they were talking it seems they know each other from way back when, or at least know some of the same people. Will the mysteries surrounding this girl never cease? I sure hope we find out everything there is to know about her in a somewhat satisfying way before this whole thing wraps up next week. My only concern is that anything we do find out will feel too forced because of the shortened time-span. Back to the present though… Grieves eventually manages to get both the hammer and Henley away from the house. Peggy is none too happy to find out that she has been betrayed by someone she thought had cared about her. If I were Greives, I would watch out for the Queen Bee's wrath.

So remember back in the previous episode when Dan Farmer told Georgia not to tell anyone about him or else? Well she totally ignores him and tells Tommy Conroy. She goes one step further though and fingers him as the Magic Man. Truth? Possibly. He definitely seems psycho enough that he could do something like this. Tommy works out a plan to tip Farmer off that they know about the trailer then follow him to see what he does next. Farmer must realize what they are up to though, because he blows up his truck to set the cop off his trail. He steals the Stiviletto's truck and drives to the boarding house. He then proceeds to kidnap Dot Meadows and takes her to the woods where she had previously filed a police report on some dead birds (and you thought I had forgotten about them from the beginning of the episode, didn't you?). Farmer takes Dot Meadows to the same spot Big Dave had found (where he thought the Magic Man had been hiding his victims). This makes it seem like he could very well be the man they are looking for. A couple townsfolk stumble upon the site, shoot him, and drag him to the police station. He claims he is not the Magic Man, just the one who is going to catch him and mumbles something about being "so close". Looks like another wrong turn on the path to finding who the Magic Man is. Or is it…? At least we don't have too much longer to wait, right?

Thus concludes this week's recap of Happy Town. Next week was scheduled to be the series finale, but instead they have posted it online for us to watch now. Guess they have completely given up on the show and just don't care anymore. Hopefully all our questions have at least been answered with some satisfaction. Feel free to leave any comments you might have on the show, as well as any questions you feel need answering. I'm going to wait to watch the finale, so please no spoilers on how it all ends until after I post my recap.

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