Tune in to this station for all the latest happenings across the universe. Mostly this will be music news and upcoming dates but there will also be the occasional commentary on everything from movies to politics.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Not So Happy Town
Who is Chloe? (was answered at the end, but more on that later). And why does the Sheriff keep mentioning her and then not remembering when he does? By the end of the episode he seems to have some kind of mental break. What's up with that?
What secrets are hidden in the house with all the widows? Especially curious is what could possibly be on the third floor that Henley (the mysterious visitor) isn't supposed to see.
Who is the Magic Man and what did he do with all the missing kids? And why did the disappearances suddenly stop?
Who killed Mr. Friddle? I'm assuming it's this mysterious "Magic Man" but that could prove to be wrong. Also, why did everyone see Friddle as the "town weirdo"? It seems to me they all thought he deserved what he got. (Sorry, but I have a hard time believing ANYONE deserves having a hole drilled through their skull).
Final question is mostly for me: Was anyone else creeped out by Merritt Grieves? (the guy staying in the house with all the ladies)
For all these questions, Happy Town gave us one answer... sorta. It turns out that the mysterious visitor is the aforementioned Chloe. But what is she doing in town? She seems to be there to investigate something... but what? We leave her as she is about to go to the forbidden corridor that is the third floor.
Well, that is what you missed on the series premiere of Happy Town. The show looks to have potential, so News on Shuffle will be keeping tabs on the townsfolk for the time being. Hope some of you will join us.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Things Americans Can Learn From British Television
The first thing that jumps at me with these shows is the writing. Since they have a 13-episode season instead of 22 or more like there is here, it forces the writer to work harder at every script. There is no longer room for "fluff" episodes that don't move the plot along. At the same time, there always seems to be a good balance between humor and drama. Know how 24 says, "Every second counts"? It really is true with these shows.
Moving on to the acting side of things... the acting is superb. This is true of every actor involved, not just the big name stars. Honestly, the only big names I can even think of are David Tennant and John Barrowman. (Is JB even a big name, or am I just overly obsessed with him?) No matter how famous the actor is though, they always seem to give it their all and bring their character to another dimension. This isn't to say that there aren't American actors who are equally talented. I just mean that British shows don't always need big names to make big things happen.
Next I'd like to talk about the special effects. More specifically, how surprised you might be at the budget some of these shows get. Americans seem to think that the more you spend, the better it will be. (Capitalism in action!) In reading interviews with Steven Moffat on Doctor Who, I found it especially interesting how low their budget is and how much they are able to accomplish for such a small amount. It just goes to show, you can get quality programming even on a budget.
Finally, I would like to speak on the creativeness some of these shows offer. In a way this goes with the things previously mentioned (writing, working on a budget) but there is more to it than that. Take, for example, Doctor Who. The premise for that show seems simple enough, and yet it has an intricacy to it that makes it one of the most unique shows in television history. The character of the Doctor is both simple and complex at the same time. At times he seems almost childlike, but when you take a deeper look you see many layers and the burdens underneath. Then look at Torchwood, which is possibly one of the most successful spin-offs of a show ever. Rarely do you see the same level of excellence in a show that the original had. With Torchwood, you get the connection to Doctor Who while also developing a whole new world to explore. And yet again, the acting and writing for this show are just as sharp as the series it was spawned from.
There are many reasons why British television can be more appealing to American viewers. All elements of the series I have mentioned make for excellent programming. (Plus, the accents don't hurt much either). If you don't want to take my word for it, I suggest you watch an episode of Doctor Who and decide for yourself. (Another great thing is you can watch almost any episode and it won't matter if you have no background in the series to start with). So go check out what you have been missing. Once you do, you may never look at television the same way again.
Monday, April 26, 2010
24: 10-11am recap
When last we saw Jack he was stealing the helicopter that was supposed to be taking hm to McGuire AFB. We open tonight with that very same chopper being pursued. Jack quickly ditches the chopper and continues on foot, jumping rooftops like the ninja he is. He slips into the city streets and disappears into the night, er, morning.
Chloe gets put in the impossible position of having to stop Jack from opposing the President's orders. At first I thought this was a conflict because she believed he was right, but later we see that the only conflict is going against a "friend".
My first thought upon seeing and hearing President Taylor defend her actions to Ethan was that she came off as too desperate for someone with as much power as she has. Is she really willing to risk the ruin of her administration for this peace treaty - even when it isn't even guaranteed? It looks like Ethan convinces her to do the right thing... that is until President Logan has his say on the matter.
At first it seems as if Logan is taking the news surprisingly well - too well, in fact. He has one last trick up his sleeve, however - trying to get Dana Walsh locked away so the evidence won't be on public record (and torturing her for said information while she is locked up). "Isn't morality relative considering what's at stake here?" he asks President Taylor. Yet again we see him try (and succeed) in getting Taylor to compromise her morals. Taylor asks Chloe to transfer Dana to a safe house and says she will be sending someone from a private security firm to make the transfer. Chloe doesn't like this but does what she is told like a good little soldier. (Question: when did Chloe become so obedient to authority and stop trusting Jack's gut feeling?)
Reason for question: Jack calls Chloe for help. She tries to convince him to stand down. "You're not thinking clearly," she says. His reply: "Right now I'm the only one that is." Eventually Chloe agrees to help him... or so it seems.
Chloe, being the evil genius that she is, manages to snag the location where Dana is being moved to. Unfortunately for us, she decides Jack really is not thinking clearly and that she is going to follow the Presidential order. (All together now: ARRRRGGGHHHH). She orders CTU to find Jack and bring him in. She then gives Jack an address which is really an old CTU safe house and plans a trap for when Jack gets there.
Switching back to President "I've-totally-become-Logan's-puppet"... Taylor informs Ethan that she has changed her mind and is not going to back out of the peace treaty like she said she would. (The look on Ethan's face when she tells him her full plan said to me - "You're thinking what we all are, aren't you?") He tries to convince her she is making a mistake and has "lost her way" but is unsuccessful. He then tells her he "cannot be a part of this any longer" and that he will use his health as the excuse for his resignation. When she tells him he cannot abandon her now he replies, "I'm not abandoning you - I'm listening to my conscience." (My thought: "Thank God somebody is!")
Meanwhile, back at CTU: Chloe, for reasons unknown, has decided to stop trusting Jack after YEARS of being right and has given him instructions which lead straight for a trap. *bangs head against the wall* Who else at this point was asking how she could do this with seemingly no problem at all? Jack figures it all out though (because he puts the "Super" in "Superman") and gets the drop on them. "How did you know?" Cole asks. "I know Chloe" (Apparently better than she knows you, mate).
Jack guesses correctly that Cole doesn't agree with anything that is happening and asks him to help in finding Dana's true location. Cole agrees and the two of them set off to save the day for the billionth time.
Now we get to, in my opinion, the scene of the night. It starts with Ethan giving President Logan the best stare down EVER. They then face off in a brilliant battle of words.
Ethan: If she suffers for this I will come after you with everything I've got.
Logan: Are you threatening me?
Ethan: I'm warning you.
*gets chills*
We conclude tonight with President Taylor addressing the nation. "Peace must and will prevail," she informs them. "No matter what the cost." As she says this we see the beginnings of Dana being tortured to reveal what she knows. I'm sorry folks, but peace formed in this way is hypocritical - this is what President Taylor has become.
As you can see, we are still dealing with some huge ethical issues on this show. Scenes for next week showed Jack dodging two governments while trying to bring the truth to light. It would seem the show plans to go out with a bang. Just like it came into the world, so shall it leave it.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Desperate Housewives - Epiphany
Tonight Desperate Housewives gave us an interesting look at how a serial killer may potentially be born. Let's dive right in, shall we?
First reaction on meeting the mother: this is the source of all this kid's problems. (I wasn't entirely right, but it's a large part of it). I mean, she is pretty horrible to him from the time he is about 4 (and possibly even since he was born). She leaves him home alone to go to a bar, tells him he ruined her life, ignores him for her boyfriend, laughs at his attempts to woo Danielle, makes him feel inferior, and eventually develops a drinking problem. It doesn't get more screwed up than that. Add to that a little psychology (which is what I'm studying) and we can start talking about parenting styles of attachment and how that leads to problems forming relationships with others as well (especially romantic relationships). So it is no wonder the kid has some issues, but does that excuse his actions? Let's take a look at the ladies of Wisteria Lane and the Eddie they got to know before making that call.
Gabrielle - Eddie is still pretty young when Gabi meets him for the first time, but he already shows signs of being a troubled kid. I have to say that Gabi is one housewife that consistently surprises me. She may have selfish motives at times, but she genuinely seemed to be concerned about Eddie and how lonely he was. Eddie does not appreciate her suggestion that he make friends his own age, however, and makes no effort to hide this from her.
Bree - Eddie is closer to the age we see him now, and he is having your typical girl troubles. Bree hires him to do work around the house and they end up discussing some of his issues. He says girls never notice him and Bree suggests maybe they are waiting for him to notice them. She also suggests he try wooing the girl he is interested in, little knowing that said female is her daughter, Danielle. When she realizes this (and that Danielle is not interested) she goes to Eddie's mother to try to get help in letting him down gently. The mother definitely does not let him down gently though. She is overly harsh to him and causes him much distress. "I want someone to love me," Eddie proclaims. His mother simply laughs. (This is when I really started getting my idea about attachment style. His mother drives his need to be loved by treating him so badly). It is here we see a pattern develop of everyone laughing at Eddie's attempts to find love. This is what sets off his violent streak, which we see in the alley with the prostitute.
Susan - She first gets to know Eddie as "the boy who sold her coffee," but she eventually also notices his artistic talents and compliments him about it. She says he has potential and offers to help him develop it. Eddie accepts, and eventually exceeds what she can teach him. She offers to send him to an art institute seminar, but he is worried that his mom won't allow it. Susan tells him, "when you love something that much you can't just let it go." This advice may have been taken the wrong way and fueled his extreme behavior but it is unclear. We see Eddie fall for Susan though, and he even asks her to marry him instead of Mike. (It is probably due to her generosity that he feels so strongly towards her). She laughs at his proposal, taking it as a joke. The pattern continues. He lashes out again, but hurts Julie instead. I found his comments in the hospital room about the "weak, insignificant, piece of garbage" and "should kill himself" interesting. I wondered if that was how he felt about himself, or if he was just covering in front of Susan. I think the former is the more likely scenario.
Lynette - She and her family first notice a problem during a Friday night game of Charades. Eddie's mother interrupts and shows them all how messed up she is.
Switching over to Eddie's house, we see how jealous he is of "normal" families. We also see Mom find the scrapbook with the newspaper clippings of all the crimes her son has committed. She confronts him and he admits it. "I didn't raise you to be like this," she yells. Eddie's reply: "Didn't you?"
This is the real question. Is it the mother's fault for mistreating him? Or is it the neighbor's fault for knowing something is up and not doing anything about it, as Lynette suggests? While the neighbors could have helped, they are not entirely to blame. As Mary Alice points out in the end: monsters come from other monsters.
As always seems to be the case, the ending was the best part. Mom tells Eddie, "the worst mistake I ever had in my life was having you." "No," I reply to the television, which clearly can hear everything I tell it. "It was saying something like that to your crazy son." This as he proceeds to kill her in another of his uncontrollable rages. (Note: if he really can't control himself then legally he should go to a mental facility, not jail. But that is a debate for another night.)
Finally, Eddie gets his chance at a normal family when Lynette offers to let him live with her family. She sees Eddie's mom lying on the floor, but assumes she is passed out drunk. She has no idea she has just invited a killer to live in her house. (It shouldn't take long to figure out though, seeing as how there are only, what, three weeks left?)
Whew, that was a lot to recap. Now that we've gone over everything, got something you'd like to share? Do you think Eddie is in control of his actions? And is the mother to blame for how he turned out, or is part of it still him? I'd love to hear what others have to say.
Happy Birthday, Gina Torres
Torres has been on a number of shows over the years, but may best be known for her role as Zoe on Firefly (Joss Whedon's cult hit that spawned a movie). In doing some research, I was reminded of some of the other great parts she has played. Included in this list is 24, Angel, Justice League (voice part), Alias, The Matrix films, and... One Life To Live. It just proves my theory, every good actor has gotten their start on a soap opera. Just look at Tuc Watkins, who was on One Life To Live when he got the part for Desperate Housewives. He actually still appears on OLTL on occasion and seems to be balancing both shows quite well.
As a tribute to Torres, here is a clip of Zoe and Co. in an episode of Firefly:
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Doctor Who - The Beast Below
*Spoiler time, kids*
At first all we know is something big and bad is happening on the Starship UK, but that is all. Oh, and it is something big and bad enough that Amy sends a message to herself telling her to stop The Doctor from investigating the goings on of the space-age British Empire.
Then we find what is at the center of it all, and it is rather quite sad.
It turns out there is a creature guiding the ship, and it is being tortured to keep it going.
Once The Doctor finds the Beast, he has to decide what to do with it. Does he let it keep being tortured to protect the people onboard, set the creature free and kill an entire civilization in the process, or lobotomize the creature so it no longer feels the pain it has to endure? The Doctor is ready to set into motion option number three, but in the final moments Amy gets a realization that changes everything.
"Open your eyes," The Doctor had told her when they first arrived in the ship. Thank God for everyone that she listened to him. For she was the one who noticed how the creature behaved around the children. And, looking at The Doctor, she remembered what Liz Ten said about when they first found the creature. And she was the one who realized that they didn't need to torture the Beast for it to continue moving the ship.
"If you were that old and that kind and the last of your kind, you couldn't just stand there and watch children cry," she told them. (Quote of the night)
This episode showed the hard choices The Doctor has to make in his life. It also reminded us that sometimes he doesn't have all the answers and needs someone to show him the right path. Funny that another red-head teaches him this lesson, as Donna was best at doing this for him (as demonstrated by the Series 4 episode "Turn Left"). This season looks to be just as much Amy's story as it is The Doctor's.
As always, BBC America gives us a behind the scenes look at the latest episode with Doctor Who Confidential. This gave us a behind the scenes look at everything from cast reactions to set design.
Next week we're going to get the return of the Daleks and... Winston Churchill? That should be interesting. So tune in next week at 9pm on BBC America for another great adventure with The Doctor and his companion, Amy.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Reasons Why An American Torchwood Now Makes A Whole Lot Of Sense
That was the biggest complaint on hearing Torchwood would be moving to America. After the few updates I found last night, however, it now makes much more sense to me that Russell Davies would want to make the switch.
Fact: Davies has written scripts that will pick up where Children of Earth left off.
If this is the case then I can understand why the move from the UK. Jack isn't going to want to stay there after everything that happened. (no spoilers here, promise). There aren't really many reasons left for him to stay. He is going to need a fresh start. At the same time, he loved working with Torchwood and isn't going to want to give it up so easily. It was established that there are multiple Torchwood locations, so it makes sense that he just moves to a different branch. And since he is American (I didn't just make that up, right?) it makes sense that would be his chouce of location to move to.
It doesn't make sense to have a Torchwood branch in America?
Sure it does. Torchwood may have been formed in the UK, but it grew to be an organization that was meant to protect the Earth from alien species. This caused it to spread outside of its original borders.
An American version won't be as good. Anytime America tries to touch a British show it always screws it up.
Except usually the same people who created the original version aren't also working on the reboot. With Davies and Barrowman both involved I am confident they will create a quality show that fans can be proud of.
So, class... any questions?
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Torchwood Update
Sorry if this sounds mean but I was actually glad to hear this. Fox seemed like a poor choice of network to host this show for a number of reasons. I think Davies would be much better off working with another network. My suggestion: ABC.
Think about it. ABC needs a show to replace Lost, which is ending this season. Plus you have the added bonus of John Barrowman already working on the network because of Desperate Housewives. And yes, Barrowman has confirmed that he will be involved in the new Torchwood series. Not only that, he says that Davies has scripts written already and the show will pick up where Children of Earth left off. More good news for Torchwood fans everywhere.
All my fears of how an Americanized Torchwood could fail are slowly being lifted. Hopefully Davies finds a good network that will do the show justice and not worry about stupid things like the sexuality of a certain character we all love. (Another reason ABC is good: Desperate has a gay couple that currently has a really good story going for them. Proof that the network won't be afraid to work with what is apparently still a sensitive subject).
What does everyone else think about this news, or the series in general? Are you glad to see Fox removed from the process? Based on comments I saw from when it was first announced I would guess the answer to that last question to be a firm "yes".
Touring News
First, Mates of State have announced possibly the coolest tour I've ever heard of. The tour is for the release of their upcoming covers album. The shows are going to play out more like a variety show, however. Included will be magic, contortionists, and much much more. The dynamic duo have two dates in New York (one at Music Hall of Williamsburg and one at Bowery Ballroom). Full list of dates can be found here.
Second, RXP have announced plans for their Summer Concert Series. The kickoff will be June 25th and features Silversun Pickups (fresh from opening for Muse) with Against Me! and The Henry Clay People. The concerts will all take place at the Williamsburg Waterfront. You don't want to miss out, so get your tickets today.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Lost Recap - The Last Recruit
From the first few minutes of this week's episode of Lost I had one prediction: everyone in Sideways world was going to end up together by the end of the night. I wasn't exactly right, but I was damn close.
We started with Sun and Locke being rolled into the hospital at the same time. Sun seemed to not only recognize Locke but was also scared of him... what gives? We also saw Sawyer bring Kate to the police station and talk about being pushed together somehow. Then Miles gets the call about the shooting and Sayid and with that the hunt is on. Sayid gets arrested and presumably ends up in the police station with Kate (although we don't see this so who knows). Claire and Desmond end up at the same place as well. He is going to meet a lawyer (Ilana) while she is going to talk to the adoption agency. Desmond offers to help her out and introduce her to his lawyer friend, who is conveniently the same lawyer that Jack hired to handle his father's will. Thus Jack and Claire meet and discover their paternal link. Before they can really discuss how they are related, however, Jack gets called in to do emergency surgery on... John Locke. No idea how that plays out yet but I predict he not only saves Locke but also might be able to fix his spine. It's a miracle! And speaking of miracles, Sun and the baby are perfectly fine. So all is right with the world... for now.
Meanwhile, back on the island... the whole gang is back together (minus Jin, who is still with Widmore's posse) and they are planning on leaving Smokey and the island far behind. Sawyer has supposedly made a deal with Widmore to get them off the island. While they are en route to meet Widmore & Co. Jack and Sawyer have a little chat and talk about their feelings a bit. Well, Jack talks and Sawyer scoffs at him. All kidding aside, Jack brings up an interesting point. He says, "If that thing (Smokey) wants us to leave, maybe it's afraid of what happens if we stay." I never thought to ask this, mostly because I assumed it just really wanted off the island. What if that is not the only factor? Maybe Jack is right and Smokey is somehow in danger if they all stay there. And yet again Lost offers twice as many questions as it does answers.
Back to the action though... Sawyer tells Jack to get off the boat if that's how he feels... so he does. And swims to shore right where Smokey just happens to be there to greet him. Coincidence? No such thing on this show. (Also not a coincidence: Jack jumping off the boat much in the same way that Sawyer jumped out of the plane the last time they tried to leave the island. Oh Lost, I see what you did there).
But going back to Sawyer... Jin and Sun are finally reunited after an entire season of them trying to find their way back to each other. And just like that Sun is able to speak English again! It's a Christmas miracle! (Wait, "Sun" and "miracle" happening both on the island and in Sideways world? Huh.) Jin and Sun say how much they love each other and that they will never be apart again. Anyone else think that was the kiss of death for them? I honestly thought someone was going to get shot right then and there. Bad fortune was to come for them though, as they were told the deal was off and Widmore would not be helping them get off the island. *Gasp* I never saw that one coming...
Oh wait, I did.
Widmore's second in command (whose name eludes me right now) gave the order and just like that Smokey and his followers found themselves under fire. In an ironic twist, Smokey pulls Jack out of the way and essentially saves his life. Will Jack be able to do the same for him in Sideways world? Tune in next week to find out. Actually, you have to wait a couple weeks, but I'm sure it will be well worth it.
Smokey's final words to Jack before ending were, "It's going to be OK. You're with me now."
Yes, Smokey. We are with you... all the way to the end.
TWLOHA Wins USA Today Contest

Congratulations to To Write Love On Her for winning the USA Today contest, which stated that the person with the most posts on Twitter from a charity's followers that said "#AmericaWants [name of charity] to get a full-page ad in USA Today" would win the prize. America spoke, and the word was Love. Now they can spread their message of Hope to millions of USA Today readers. The organization has asked suggestions of what to put in the ad. What do you say to 4 million people? Do you have any suggestions?
Monday, April 19, 2010
24: 9-10am recap
First of all, I have to say I don't think I have ever seen Jack look as broken as he did in the opening of this hour. Still reeling from the loss of Renee, Jack looked like a man who didn't know where to turn next. The nurse at the hospital asked if he was going to be alright. I honestly wasn't sure that he would be.
Next we turn to former President Charles Logan. Who else thinks it is possibly the worst idea ever to be trusting him as much as President Taylor has? Normally Taylor is big on principles, but she seems willing to go to any length to make sure this peace treaty goes through. Is it right to essentially blackmail the Russian government to make this happen though? And how does this help create a meaningful and lasting peace?
Of course Dana Walsh is the one who knows everything Jack needs to know to find the people who had Renee killed. Once this was established, I looked forward to him interrogating her. Is that wrong?
But back to Logan... I really have to say, I don't trust the man. He obviously only cares about his own interests. Also, how does he know about the Russian involvement in the days events? AND WHY DIDN'T HE TRY TO STOP THEM?! Oh, right, cause all he cares about is himself. And obviously this has helped put him back in a position of power within our government. I didn't think I could hate him any more than I already did. That was until he started trying to make Jack look like the bad guy and get President Taylor to turn against him. I was proud of Taylor for sticking to her principles. Or rather, I was until later when she told Jack to stand down. After everything that Jack has done for her and the country, he deserves at least this much.
Finally I have a morality question for you. President Taylor argues that this is all for the greater good. That if this is what it takes to get the peace treaty signed then it is worth it. I am not entirely sure how I feel about this. It seems to me that getting the peace treaty signed means nothing if it is done in this manner. Also, Hassan's daughter should know who she is dealing with before signing the treaty. These people are responsible for her husband's death. She and her daughter have a right to know who destroyed their family. Logan has put President Taylor in an impossible situation, but she is responding just as he wants her to and it is wrong.
Which brings me to the quote of the night:
Jack: I want justice.
Pres. Taylor: And I want peace. If there was another way to get it I would but there's not.
Debate time.
What did you think of tonight's episode? Do you think President Taylor is doing the right thing? Or is Jack the one who is right in pursuing this, despite orders to the contrary? I would love to hear what others have to say on the matter.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
We All Deserve To Die - A Recap
Now, before I begin I need a moment to let the smiles dissipate. Honestly, who else gets chills every time John Barrowman comes on screen? Right then, thought so.
Barrowman did not offer the biggest shocks of the night though, but more on that later (I know, such a tease).
Gabi - I loved the idea of you having Bob and Lee's baby. It was fun right up until you realized they were planning on taking the kid away to upstate New York after it was born. Then I felt sorry for you. It doesn't compare to how sorry I felt for them after you backed out and they broke up (?!). Which brings me to...
Bob & Lee - I loved you as a couple. Lee was hysterical and brought color to an already colorful cast. I'm sorry to see you struggling. At the same time I have to wonder why the writers would finally give you a really good story just to end things so abruptly. I have to believe that Lee is coming back eventually. I'm going to miss you.
Susan & Mike - Your story was understandable to an extent, but overall I think Mike is being ridiculous. I get male pride but you are part of a marriage which means you should be sharing EVERYTHING. That includes the bills. You not being able to pay for the car effects the wife too. So let her help pay some of the bills! At least until you get back on track. That is all.
Lynette - You are possibly the best mother a son could ask for. Preston is an idiot if he stays mad at you for more than a day. I love that you were willing to go to any length to protect him from the evil future-daughter-in-law. I also love how the story was finally resolved - with Lynette getting her favor from the Man Upstairs and Preston overhearing the evil shrew telling Lynette that she didn't matter.
Bree - I give you points for brilliance in stopping the customers from eating the ruined dish by setting off the sprinklers. Having said that, you are accepting Sam into your life and your business way too easily. Sam is definitely up to something. Why are you the only one who doesn't see that?! I have to admit, when he accuses Andrew of sabotaging the meal I thought this might be the case. Then when Orson pointed out he is not that clever I realized he was right. Plus he wouldn't want to ruin his mother since he blames Sam for everything and is suspicious of his intentions. Orson just says what we are all thinking and Bree doesn't want to see - Sam wants Andrew out of the way and will do whatever it takes to make that happen. My question is, "Why?" I am sure his intentions are not good but I don't understand what he is trying to do getting close to Bree. At first I thought he was behind the missing girls, but that was until...
Eddie turned out to be the serial killer! Irina might have been a total shrew, but she didn't deserve to die. She got what was coming to her with Preston tossing her out on the street. This was a real shock for me. I have been pretty good at predicting the twists and turns of this show, but that came out of left field and provided the biggest shock of the night. Yes, even bigger than the opening where...
Logan is sitting in the coffee shop that his son conveniently works at. My question from the start was, "Does he know that is his son?" By the end of the night I was convinced that the answer is "yes". I find it poetic that not only does he decide to kidnap his son as the ultimate in payback, but he asks Danny-boy for advice on the situation before finalizing his plans. I really think he knows who Danny is and is going to get close to the kid before finally snatching him away. Might even convince him to come on his own. That would be the thing that would truly hurt Angie the most.
Finally, my favorite scene tonight was when Logan and Danny are talking about how to finish the "story". Logan says killing her (Angie) would be too easy. I knew what his solution would be before he even said it. "Oh God, he's going to kidnap the son," I thought to myself. Danny apparently got that sense too and... DING DING DING! We have a winner! This was also the moment I realized how poetic it all was. Not only the plan, but also the fact he is talking about all this with the person who is the center of the whole story. I really think Desperate Housewives has raised the bar with this season. They have found the perfect balance of darkness and humor. While they owe a lot of this to the addition of John Barrowman and his story, it is not the only factor. The writing has been excellent this season, even better than usual. I congratulate them for a job well done and hope they keep the momentum going through the rest of the season. Sunday nights have never been this exciting, and it is all thanks to them.
Runaway Dorothy @ Rockwood Music Hall Tonight
Happy Birthday, David Tennant
Tenannt's portrayal of the Doctor has been held by some to be the greatest of all. To many he is "The Doctor". This is why Matt Smith was going to have his work cut out for him. He would be replacing the man who brought many new people into the fold and defined who the Doctor was for them.
While his time as the Doctor was certainly memorable, Tennant has done many other extraordinary things as an actor. He was recently in the Royal Shakespeare Company's production of Hamlet as the title role, and he was also in the the docu-drama Einstein and Eddington, as Arthur Eddington. Oh, and fun fact: he played Barty Crouch Jr. in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.
The more things I see David in, the more I come to realize his acting is a lot like the Doctor: mad but brilliant. To celebrate, here is a David Tennant/10th Doctor Tribute. Song is "I Gotta Feeling"
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Trust Him, He's The Doctor
Doctor: I don't know yet, still cooking.
Sizzling is more like it.
After weeks of speculation as to whether or not Matt Smith would be a suitable Doctor, I can honestly say that we need not worry. Matt makes the character his own from the moment he jumps out of the TARDIS and into the life of his new companion, Amy Pond. Speaking of the TARDIS, it's new and shiny too, as is the sonic screwdriver. Even the opening titles have a slightly new theme, although it is essentially the same tune we have grown to love over the years. If anything it is just slightly edgier and darker than what we are used to. Overall I would say stop worrying about Matt Smith and Steven Moffat and just let the show be what it is: a timeless adventure that will make you feel as if you had been running right alongside your beloved Doctor.
Every episode is followed by a special Doctor Who Confidential, which can be found on the BBC America website along with other behind-the-scenes features.
So, all of time and space. Everything that ever happened or ever will. Where do you want to start?
Know Who?
And the trailer:
Doctor Who Series 5 premiere is tonight at 9pm on BBC America. Don't forget about the behind the scenes special that airs before it at 8pm.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Happy Birthday, Sean Maher
Anywho... you should all follow Sean on The Twitter and send him lots of birthday love. Tell him News on Shuffle sent you ; )
How I Fell For the Doctor
As a senior in college I have not had the experience with Doctor Who that, say, my father had. I can't say I grew up with him my whole life or anything like that. Likewise, I cannot talk about how it is an institution here, since the US is really playing catch-up to the level of fandom that the UK has for the show. For that matter, we may never reach the levels of attachment that its homeland has for the series. But that only seems fair.
No, I was first introduced to The Doctor 4 months ago. I met enough people who were obsessed enough with the show that I decided to give it a try during my winter break. Being a lover of sci-fi, I figured it was a good bet I would like the show as well. I was wrong.
I didn't just like Doctor Who; I loved it. From the moment The Doctor grabs Rose and tells her to follow him I knew this was going to become one of my favorite shows of all time. With each new episode I fell even more in love with every element of the show. The acting is superb, as is the writing. Russell T. Davies and Stephen Moffat never seemed to have a shortage of new and exciting adventures for the Doctor and his companion to enjoy.
Yes, from the moment I started my journey with The Doctor, I was hooked. Countless times the words "One more episode" would be uttered, only to be said again 50 minutes later. By the time I was finished, I had forgotten what a world before meeting the Doctor was like. It was as if I had known him my whole life.
It feels appropriate to share my love for Doctor Who now that the 5th Series premiere is scheduled for tomorrow (April 17th) on BBC America. Even if you haven't watched a single episode before today, I still highly recommend giving it a chance tomorrow. BBCA will be airing the second half of Series 4 all day tomorrow as well as the specials that aired in between seasons. If nothing else, try to watch The End of Time, as it leads in to the new episode (and is possibly one of the best stories in the series. Russel Davies definitely went out on a high note).
*if you don't have time to play catch-up, this scene is all you really need to know*
Now is the perfect time to start your adventure with The Doctor for a number of reasons. The show is seeing a new Doctor (Matt Smith), new companion (Karen Gillan), and new producer (Stephen Moffat). Moffat wrote one of my favorite episodes in the series (Blink), so I look forward to seeing what he does now that he is in charge of the whole thing. If I haven't convinced you Doctor Who is worth checking out, maybe Matt Smith can:
AVC: Doctor Who has always been more of a cult sensation here in the U.S. than in Britain. How would you describe the series to someone here who has never seen it before? What would you say it’s like?
MS: I’d say it’s about a 900-year-old alien who travels around time and space in a blue police box, which is called the TARDIS, having adventures, saving the world, and defeating evil. It’s not bound by space or time or logic or genre, and therefore creatively it can go anywhere and do anything. You can be in the past with dinosaurs one week and in the future the next week, as the world is about to explode. I think it’s full of heart and humor and wit and invention. I think Doctor Who improves your life. And I mean that. It’s not just, like, my mission statement. I do, as a man who’s come to it late on, as well. It’s never too late to get into it. I think we’ve got a new team and a new show, and I think now is the time to start watching.
-excerpt from an interview between AV Club and Matt Smith, the new Doctor (the rest of the interview is the title link for today)If that doesn't convince you that Doctor Who is worth your time, then I don't know what will. I hope you will share in the magical journey with me. I will be posting reviews of the new series as it airs here in the US. I'm sure it will be brilliant.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Happy Internation Sarah Michell Gellar Day!
What would I have chosen as best Buffy moments?
Her coming back from the dead in Season 6 would definitely be on there.
Also, when she is singing "Give Me Something To Sing About" during the musical episode "Once More With Feeling"
And the final moments with Spike at the end of the series.
Oh, and let's not forget her dying at the end of Season 5. And the speech she gives Dawn about living. "Dawn, listen to me. Listen. I love you. I will *always* love you. But this is the work that I have to do. Tell Giles... tell Giles I figured it out. And, and I'm okay. And give my love to my friends. You have to take care of them now. You have to take care of each other. You have to be strong. Dawn, the hardest thing in this world... is to live in it. Be brave. Live. For me." (Seems kind of ironic she tells Dawn to be brave and live but then complains about living her own life. Then again, if someone ripped me out of Heaven I would complain too).
There are a ton of great moments from the show. These are just some that come to mind now (and only ones involving SMG, since it is her birthday and all).
What about you? What are some of your favorite moments?
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Everybody Loves Lost
After last week's episode of Lost, I finally started developing a real working theory about what is going on this season and how the series is likely to end. The episode really was one of the defining moments of this season. We see that there is definite crossover between the Sideways world and the island. We also seem to be gradually demonstrating that certain people are destined to meet. Also, Desmond seems to be the one connecting them all. This reminds me of Jacob's role before he "died". If this is the case, I wonder what his death on the island would mean for the show (assuming he is dead, that is). Another theory could be that only one version of each character is allowed to survive future events before some kind of merge happens (?). If that is true, then we can expect more deaths for the future. It also might be a second chance for those already lost (Charlie, Libby). Speaking of Libby, when the doctor mentioned she had issues with reality, I couldn't help but think, "Issues with reality, or more in touch with it?" It would seem the latter, since Hurley eventually remembered (via the ever classic "magic kiss", no less). And finally, quote of the night comes from Ben: "No sooner does she tell you who you are then she blows up. The island was done with her. Makes me wonder what it's going to do when it's done with us." Good question, Ben. Good question.
Profile: Jack Bauer
The following is a somewhat stream-of-consciousness thought process on the events of last night's 24 and what it means for Jack Bauer. Sorry if it is hard to follow. I'll try to be as coherent as possible.
After watching last night's episode of 24, I had a few thoughts on the character of Jack Bauer.
First: this guy is seriously not allowed to be happy!
Case in point: after failing his mission of protecting President Hassan (and looking dejected as hell for it) Jack goes home and actually is seen being happy with a member of the opposite sex. Long-time friends rejoice, and yet are hesitant. Seeing Jack and Renee being all kinds of happy with each other, I couldn't help but think, "But Jack isn't allowed to be happy." It didn't take long for the writers to prove me right.
As the bullets started flying, I knew one of them had to hit Renee. I also knew there was slim chance she would actually make it to the hospital and survive (but was still hopeful). What little hope I had was dashed though when the doctors came out of the OR almost immediately after going in. "It's too soon," I thought, as a sat up in my seat. I knew she was dead even before the doctors said so. The look on Jack's face was that of a man who had been broken. It was the best and worst kind of hurt puppy dog face ever. It was the kind of face that makes you whimper (both inside and out). I actually almost cried for him. After everything this man has done for his country, after everything he has sacrificed, couldn't he once, just once, get a happy ending?! No, I said. This was too much. Hasn't he suffered enough?
Apparently not.
My only hope is that Jack avenges Renee's death and gets some solace in that. It isn't the same as having someone to grow old and retire with, though. And for that, Jack, I am truly sorry.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Switchfoot New Single Announced
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Contest - Win Either Merlin or Survivors DVD
Doctor Who Countdown
The widget also offers a videos, interviews, and a photo gallery to have fun with while you wait. Speaking of fun, did you hear about the new DW game that they are making? It's going to be four interactive episodes, the first of which will be available in June. Especially cool for those of us who ever wanted to be the Doctor (or his companion).
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Lollapalooza Lineup Announced
Friday, August 6th:
Lady Gaga
The Strokes
Jimmy Cliff
Hot Chip
The Black Keys
New Pornographers
Dirty Projectors
Mavis Staples
Matt & Kim
Drive-By Truckers
Jamie Lidell
Fuck Buttons
Raphael Saadiq
The Walkmen
Los Amigos Invisbles
The Big Pink
Cymabalks Eat Guitars
Balkan Beat BOx
American Bang
The Constellations
Foxy Shazam
Semi Precious Weapons
My Dear Disco
The Ettes
Jukebox The Ghost
These United States
Erol Alkan
Peanut Butter Wolf
Cut Copy (DJ)
Ana Sia
BBU Vonnegutt
Saturday, August 7th:
Green Day
Social Distortion
Cut Copy
Erykah Badu
Slightly Stoopid
Grizzly Bear
Gogol Bordello
The xx
Blues Traveler
Edward Sharpe
Deer Tick
Wild Beasts
Rogue Wave
The Soft Pack
Mimicking Birds
Kissaway Trail
Morning Benders
Royal Bangs
Dan Black
Empire of the Sun
Perry Farrell
Wolfgang Gartner
Joachim Garraud
Beats Antique
Steve Porter
Ancient Astronauts
DJ Mel
BBU Vonnegutt
Only Children
Lance Herbstrong
Sunday, August 8th:
Arcade Fire
The National
Cypress Hill
X Japan
The Temper Trap
Frightened Rabbit
Blitzen Trapper
The Cribs
Minus THe Bear
Mumford & Sons
The Dodos
The Antlers
Ike Reilly
Company of Thieves
Miniature Tigers
Violent Soho
Freelance Whales
Band of Heathens
Shawn Fisher
Neon Hitch
Felix da Housecat
Mexican Institute of Sound
Dirty South
Didi Gutman (Brazilian Girls)
Team Bayside High
Dani Deahl
I love all the headliners, especially Green Day, Arcade Fire, and MGMT. My biggest and best surprise though was Jukebox the Ghost being included. This band seems to be having quite a good year. They already have been on one tour and have plans for another this summer. Oh, and don't forget the trip they took to SXSW, I'm sure they won't. Jukebox have a couple New York dates coming up, including: May 29th at Bowery Ballroom and June 12th at Music Hall of Williamsburg.
Free At Last
So says Amanda Palmer, just before announcing she has finally been dropped from her label. Palmer, known to her fans as AFP, has been fighting with the label for a few years now. She started with them back when she was lead singer for The Dresden Dolls. The relationship was good at first but slowly deteriorated until she was left with very little freedom over her music and what she could do with it. Now she has the ability to make these choices on her own. Her first act of celebratory free-ness: sharing a free download with her fans. Even though she is glad to be able to shed the label's skin, Palmer still wishes it to be known that there is no hostility held towards Roadrunner Records. She writes a letter to them in her blog which remembers the good times before things went south. Just another example of our little AFP taking the high road and showing some class.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Remembering Kurt Cobain
And now, a tribute:
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Google Changes It's Name

Doctor Who News
For those of us in the US, we have two events to look forward to. One is Monday April 12th at The Paley Center. This is going to be offered to members of the Center first before the general public is allowed in. The event is free but seating is limited so they ask you to reserve a seat. Details can be found here. If you can't make it to this smaller event, there is a bigger one happening at Village East Cinema on April 14th. This is also free but you're going to want to get there early as it is first come, first served. Details courtesy of BBC America.
Blog Archive
- Not So Happy Town
- Things Americans Can Learn From British Television
- 24: 10-11am recap
- Desperate Housewives - Epiphany
- Happy Birthday, Gina Torres
- Doctor Who - The Beast Below
- Reasons Why An American Torchwood Now Makes A Whol...
- Torchwood Update
- Touring News
- Lost Recap - The Last Recruit
- TWLOHA Wins USA Today Contest
- 24: 9-10am recap
- We All Deserve To Die - A Recap
- Runaway Dorothy @ Rockwood Music Hall Tonight
- Happy Birthday, David Tennant
- Trust Him, He's The Doctor
- Know Who?
- Happy Birthday, Sean Maher
- How I Fell For the Doctor
- Happy Internation Sarah Michell Gellar Day!
- Everybody Loves Lost
- Profile: Jack Bauer
- Switchfoot New Single Announced
- Contest - Win Either Merlin or Survivors DVD
- Doctor Who Countdown
- Lollapalooza Lineup Announced
- Free At Last
- Remembering Kurt Cobain
- Google Changes It's Name
- Doctor Who News