Harris has been sharing his birthday wishes with his followers on Twitter for the past week now. The list is entertaining enough to be as much a present for us as it could be for him.
Things I Want for my Birthday (6/15), Chapter 1: an iPhone 4, magical automatons, original Banksy art, and 1 million followers.
Things I Want for my Birthday, Chapter 2: Haunted Mansion memorabilia, an actual Muppet, the superpower to eliminate oil from water, a pony.
Things I Want for my Birthday, Chapter 3: a working, authentic fortune teller booth, and Danielle Staub's sex tape - but only on Blu-Ray.
Things I Want for my Birthday, Chapter 4: a saltwater aquarium, rad clothes from All Saints, wood burning brick pizza oven, and Disneyland.
What I Want for my Birthday, Chapter 4: Panasonic 152" 3D plasma TV, Red Dead Redemption for Xbox, the ability to donate blood, and NPH.com. (Correction: Errr... That was Chapter 4.1.)
Things I Want for my Birthday, Chapter 5(ish): Giant labyrinth hedge maze, many lengthy massages, an Immunity Idol from Survivor, and socks. (Changed my mind. Instead of socks, I want a three bedroom loft in SoHo.)
Things I Want for my Birthday, Chapter 7: a goose that lays gold eggs for Easter, map to One-Eyed Willie's treasure, lifetime supply of Tums
Things I Want for my Birthday, Chapter 8: A rolla bolla, VIP seats to the US Open, this skill: http://tiny.cc/77gtw and a spider monkey.
This morning he posted that CBS got him the Idol he asked for...
The CBS gang got me perhaps the coolest gift ever - the actual Immunity Idol from Survivor: China! Check it: http://yfrog.com/msar9lj
At least he got one thing off the list. As for my contribution, I'm going to try to get him that 1 million followers... either that or the spider monkey.
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